Comparison of Hostels Privet and Artist in Moscow on Kurskaya
Artist Hostel
832 метра до метро КурскаяМосква, ул. Старая Басманная 18 стр.8+7 (495) 544-97-78 -
Privet Hostels
704 метра до метро КурскаяМосква, Подсосенский пер., 3, стр. 2+7 (495) 374-59-49
We give all our new guests a bike ride!

For all who came to us for the first time in the ARTIST ON KURSKAYA cycling tour as a gift!
In the summer we bought 4 bicycles – two sports and two walking bicycles. Now everyone who comes to our hostel in Kursk can spend time cycling around the city or in Bauman Park, which is right there, across the road. All new guests of our hostel ride for free! Well, our regular guests can ride for a nominal fee!
Go Chistye Prudy
Чистые пруды вытекли из Поганого болота

Чистые Пруды в Москве и архитектура в окрестностях Чистопрудного бульвара
Two in one – it’s about Bulgakov
Another evening route for walking in area of Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, of course, to the places mentioned in the novel «Master and Margarita». Yes, because Bulgakov. Because we want to see mysticism.

Bulgakov Museum is located on the opposite side of the Garden Ring from the hostel Artist at Mayakovskaya
It so happened that in the same house on Bolshaya Sadovaya street are just TWO «Bulgakov’s House» – one cultural center and the other – «The bad apartment» described in the «Master and Margarita». Now «50» is the state Museum of M.A. Bulgakov», and close to the first floor of the cultural center Museum of Bulgakov’s house. He’s working late.

Cultural and educational center and «The bad apartment» Bulgakov are together
See for yourself who lies under the feet of the «Bulgakov’s house». I’m not just once or twice a year – from the moment when, as in 2005, she moved to Moscow. This was one of my first Moscow walks. Surprisingly, but every time I come back here for new and new occasions. Now, here is a small exhibition and a cafe, where is very convenient to meet. Not so long time ago, and theatre. I like to see from a dilapidated apartment eventually grew a real cultural centre.

Theatrical events and guided tours of the house-Museum of Mikhail Bulgakov
Afisha. Here theatrical action is often combined with sightseeing. Tours a lot and they are very different. Almost every evening in the cultural centre. In the summer were popular Hiking and not only Hiking with a guide to the cultural center.

Sightseeing bus Bulgakov’s House
Sightseeing bus

The spirit of exhibitions in «Bulgakov’s House»
Exposure to the «Bulgakov’s house» center is not very rich. But a very nice specifically mystical spirit! And you can take pictures of anything. I’ve always wandered cat, but today I have not meet – perhaps slept.

Frescoes of novels in the Bulgakov House
In the hallway frescoes on the works. What do You think of this novel?

Signs of the young writers
Young writers have to reinstall the finger to white. In the Museum a lot of mystical things on the memory.

«Love post» in the house-Museum of Mikhail Bulgakov
Here, for example, «Mail of love». Don’t know where previously worked this stand, but hand it has seen many… And any! Visitors are immersed note on the cherished desire.

The characters of «the Master and Margarita» on t-shirts
In the cultural heart of many of the characters, sometimes even more than about the author. And here is a souvenir t-shirt- I think everything is done correctly.

Entrance in both Bulgakov Museum
The door in the cultural center of the Museum of Bulgakov’s house and the door of the state Museum of M.A. Bulgakov». If you come to 18.00, you can have time to visit both.

Time capsule in Moscow at Mayakovskaya
Continuing the theme of the artifacts. Here a lot of them. Come and see everything!
Hannah Andrusevych ( Specially to the Artist Hostel
The Lights Of The Triumphal Square
Monument to Vladimir Mayakovsky is visible from both outputs metro station «Mayakovskaya». Only he is looking in the direction of the last car from the center and the beautiful lobby with quotations from his poems, is how the first car from the center, that is, almost to the back of the author.

Mayakovsky monument on «Triumphalnaya ploshad’» Triumph Square near the hostel performers in Moscow Mayakovskaya Metro Station
Perhaps the dramatic gap between creator and creation because Vladimir looks toward the center of Moscow , the Kremlin.

Triumphalnaya square not far from the ARTIST HOSTEL in Moscow, the underground station «Mayakovskaya»
This year, Triumph Square became almost completely pedestrian . In the vicinity Mayakovka best time for walking in the winter – this evening when all the lights are lit , and the public rushes into theaters . Summer time of day does not really matter.
Same with the monument height of the Christmas tree. Vladimir Mayakovsky is known more as a poet, but , in fact , he was also a playwright and director. On the right hand of the monument is the Concert Hall named after PI Tchaikovsky behind him – Satire Theatre , Theatre Mossovet .

Sadovoe Koltso Ring Street near the ARTIST HOSTEL. Ahead into the distance goes «Sadovoye Koltso». To the right with a spire of PEKIN hotel (BEIJING hotel). Left the theater of Satire.
Bolshaya Sadovaya street and snowflakes on the lens in grayscale…
The style and design of the buildings at the top of the bottom of a very married.
«Mayakovskaya» metro station – one of the most beautiful stations of the Moscow. There is a myth that there are fragments of its design “Airship Tsiolkovsky.” It is not so, although the legend was born from a real period in the history of the station.
LargeGarden and snowflakes on the lens in grayscale …
«Bolshaya Sadovaya» str. – is part of the «Sadovoe Koltso» second ring of Moscow city. A little further – places Bulgakov, one of the oldest clubs in Moscow B2, Patriarshie Prudy (Patriarch’s Ponds). Among other things, here is some interesting antique shops and many cafes.

Extreme citizens on Triumph Square. Mayakovskaya
The street Is wet snow. But for the extreme citizens is not a problem. Wear masks and goes to the center a winter weather on bicycles! You can curse, you can admire, but they are already an integral part of life of Moscow…

If you get around to the left from Beijing hotel you can see a ARTIST HOSTEL
The style and design of the buildings at the top of the bottom of a very married.

Vestibule in «Mayakovskaya» metro station in Moscow. Exit to the ARTIST HOSTEL Mayakovskaya side.
We get down and read. On the ceiling – the most famous quotes poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Peron of Mayakovskaya metro station in Moscow. Exit to the hostel on the escalator upstairs
Mayakovskaya is one of the most beautiful stations of the Moscow metro. There is a myth that there are fragments of its design “airship Tsiolkovsky.” It is not so, although the legend was born from a real period in the history of the station.
It turns out that in the first project of Mayakovskaya station has not been properly taken into account subsidence. Therefore, the ceiling cracks began to appear. To save the situation, the architect Alexey Dushkin suggested using metal structures and invite collaborators station famous aircraft Alexander Putilin. And he decided that they can make experts in the building airships. So the «Tsiolkovsky’s Dirigible» at the station no, but the metal constructions are made on the same hardware – like Atlanta columns support the ceiling. The station was opened for passengers of 11 September 1938, and was recently reconstructed. Experts assure that everything is okay, Mayakovskaya not accumulated and not flowing!
Hannah Andrusevych ( Specially for the Artist Hostel